Saturday, October 18, 2014

Life Lately

The past three weeks have been quite a whirlwind. Fall decided to show up here in the Northwest and it has been magical. I started my new job a few weeks back and I am adjusting to the 9-5, commuting, cubicle life. I am so grateful that I found a job but I have to remember what I really want. It is too easy to find a job with good pay and bearable work and forgot all that you have dreamt for your life. Good thing I walk past multiple books stores on my way to work and that I choose to sit (when I actually get a seat...) on the side of the bus that will give me a view of the UW library so I can keep on dreaming :). God has been showing me to wait. To stop. To just be in this season and don't immediately jump into the next thing. Oh the balance of dreaming and staying present...
Snippets of fall in Seattle
Oh and I chopped my hair off... I haven't had hair this short since I was 8 years old. As Coco Chanel says (and I TOTALLY agree) "A women who cuts her hair is about to change her life." and it has!
Spruced up the house last weekend and did a deep clean. It felt so good.
We finally built our desk! We had ordered the hair pin legs over a month ago, we were just too lazy to go to Home Depot and buy a piece of wood. This project was REALLY easy, so if you ever need to build anything, go with hair pin legs. I will admit they aren't the sturdiest, we are eventually going to add more support but for now this will do.
Weekends are for piles of waffles in the morning are they not?
A week ago we headed to Sodo to buy Mikey some new work boots, I made us take a little detour to Pioneer Square. I haven't been to this part of town in years, which is ridiculous because it is so amazing. But don't go here at night... alone.... ever...
We stopped in the London Plane for croissants and flowers. This place is everything I want in one spot. Mike commented that I love things that have multiple purposes and flavors. Like why have just apple pie when you could have apple, blackberry pie with a gruyere cheese crust? So the London Plane isn't just a place to get brunch, but also pastries and home goods and flowers. Not to mention the Little London Plane down the street for classes and parties. 
 I was very inspired to say the least. Perhaps I will open a pie shop/library/flower shop/coffee shop. Because just one would be too boring.
 We stopped in Drygoods design across the street and I was in love again. I don't know how to sew so perhaps I should take a class here. 
 I've been enjoying my commute to work. It is a little on the long side, but I love walking through downtown. I am glad my commute has built in cardio; I'm walking 3 miles a day people! It helps with the whole desk job thing. 
The Olympic Sculpture Park is 3 blocks away from my work, it is quite the inspiring place to eat my lunch. 
I will try and update more frequently once I am in more of a rhythm with my work schedule!