I traveled to California a few weeks ago to see my parents and my best friend, and oh my this trip was incredible. It woke me up and made me realize so much. Well for one, I realized how much I missed warmth and a good avocado and I realized that I need tank tops and sandals and will need to strategically plan a few trips to CA during the winter months. On a more serious note...I realized how much I missed my mother and father and sister from another mister. I realized I need to be outdoors more, that I need more silliness, that I need to explore who I am more. A few things have been flipped upside down since this trip, some tangible, some not so much. All in all, it was a beautiful mini-vacation that gave me so much clarity.
First stop was visiting Emily in the redwoods where she lives and works. She works as a naturalist for a science camp, pretty awesome right?? This is her in her garden!
Big Red
Emily's little naturalist cabin in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Waking up here was a dream. I went straight from cubicle life on Friday, to a plane, to California at midnight, and woke up in the morning to rain in the redwoods; it was pretty soul cleansing.
Next we headed up the coast to San Francisco. Here are some beautiful shots from the
General Store in the Sunset District. I have this thing for the Sunset District. It is quiet and reminds me of a small beach town, even though it is nestled into San Francisco and it is also one of the few neighborhoods where finding parking isn't ridiculous. It makes me want to drink smoothies and attempt to learn how to surf and grow my hair long again. Plus there are succulents everywhere!! If I were ever to move to here, the sunset is where I'd go.

Full House anyone? I have been to San Francisco countless times but have never been to this famous spot. It was fun to play tourist.
We headed to
City Light Books in the evening. I bought some beat poetry. It seemed appropriate.

Flaky heaven at
Tartine in the Mission District. This place... oh my.
Some bright and sunny shots throughout the city
We headed back to the Sunset District on our last day specifically for
Outerlands, the best breakfast you could ever have. The atmosphere of this place is so amazing and the design is gorgeous!
We had the cornbread benedict, levain flatbread, and their coconut almond scone. It was all divine.
We finished off the weekend hiking in Lands End. This hike felt like jumping into a cool lake after a long, hot summer's hike; so refreshing and so rejuvenating. On this hike I talked with Emily and my mama about how lost I have been feeling and how I feel as if this year has been a year of figuring out what I don't want as opposed to what I do. I've been feeling like a failure lately, like I am the girl who can't keep a job for more than three months and constantly changes her mind about everything. They reminded me that I'm 23. (Good gracious Julie, you are 23!) I think being married has been part of the pressure I'm feeling, like "I'm married now so I better know what I want career wise or else!" My goodness Jules, just give yourself a break.
All in all, this hike made me realize how old/young I am and how my career is not my life. How I choose to love those around me and serve others and find beauty and wonder in the everyday is my life. How I choose to love God and other people is my life. Not where I go from 9-5 everyday. The values I have will effect where I choose to go from 9-5 and how I choose to do that work, but I don't have to have that all figured out right now.

It was beautiful trip, full of so much goodness. While I was there, I texted Mike and said "We're moving, I'm literally defrosting!!" But then I cam back to Seattle and felt the season of fall again and had a wonderful thanksgiving with my in-laws. California is becoming more and more mystical each time I visit, like it is this state of solace and rejuvenation. It is my homeland, but not where I call home at this time, and maybe not again for a long time, or perhaps ever again; who knows! Plus home is really about where the people you love are, and I cannot wait to see my family again at Christmas and my best friend in February!!